2022 Prince George's County General Election

2022 Prince George's County General Election Voters Guide

The Maryland General Election will be on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. Several key offices at the State and County level are up for election.

This election, there are several uncontested races and will be excluded from this guide. 

Top issues for this election includes infrastructure, inclusion and diversity initiatives. Our voting guides compile vital sections of each candidate's platform, initiative, social media profile, and pertinent public information. Vote in the 2022 General Election with ease with kBoulevard's voting guide for Prince George's County Election.

The Maryland General Election will be on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. Several key offices at the State and County level are up for election.

This election, there are several uncontested races and will be excluded from this guide. 

Vote in the 2022 General Election with ease with kBoulevard's voting guide for Prince George's County Election.

bladensburg town election candidacy
Candidacy by Position

 kBoulevard highlights key initiatives between County candidates side-by-side for better context.

bladensburg town election topic
Candidacy by Topic

Knowing what initiatives candidates are most enthusiastic about helps voters find candidates that align with their values.

bladensburg town election profile
City Profile

Understanding the County's goals overall can help readers better align their votes to candidates who share similar views.

2022 Prince George's County General Election Voting Guide

2022 Prince George's County General Election Voting Guide

The Prince George's County government is responsible for determining policies, setting ordinances, approving the annual budget, establishing the tax rate, public improvements, public health, safety, and welfare of the community, and developing goals and vision for the county. All councilmembers are elected at once.

Visit Prince George's County official homepage and social media for additional up-to-date information.

© 2021 kBoulevard.

kBoulevard Candidate Guides

Click Titles to See Initiatives

Candidates for Prince George's County Executive

Candidates for Prince George's County Executive

Click topics to see each candidates' initiatives.

Prince George's County Agenda FY2022-2027

Angela D. Alsobrooks


  • Increased education funding
  • Allowing reductions in class size and support for almost 5,000 Pre-K students
  • Added additional personnel to agencies and upgraded technology across government to ensure efficiency
  • Created the Police Reform Work Group to conduct a thorough study and review of the County Police Department
  • Accepted 46 recommendations from community advocates and public officials with backgrounds in law enforcement and civil rights
  • As State’s Attorney, created the Special Prosecutions Unit, the first of its kind in the office to investigate and prosecute police and official misconduct
  • Sought to reallocate $20 million from a public safety training facility to build a behavioral health facility for mental health and addiction services
  • To alleviate growing food insecurity, created the Stand Up & Deliver program that provides weekly distributions of groceries and meals to residents

Joe Njuguna


Angela D. Alsobrooks


  • Increased education funding
  • Allowing reductions in class size and support for almost 5,000 Pre-K students
  • Added additional personnel to agencies and upgraded technology across government to ensure efficiency
  • Created the Police Reform Work Group to conduct a thorough study and review of the County Police Department
  • Accepted 46 recommendations from community advocates and public officials with backgrounds in law enforcement and civil rights
  • As State’s Attorney, created the Special Prosecutions Unit, the first of its kind in the office to investigate and prosecute police and official misconduct
  • Sought to reallocate $20 million from a public safety training facility to build a behavioral health facility for mental health and addiction services
  • To alleviate growing food insecurity, created the Stand Up & Deliver program that provides weekly distributions of groceries and meals to residents

Joe Njuguna


Candidates for Prince George's County Council At-Large

Candidates for Prince George's County Council At-Large

Calvin Hawkins


  • A strong supporter of progressive initiatives for working families
  • Lead sponsor on the Re-entry Advisory Board tasked with realigning partnerships with County agencies, nonprofits, law enforcement and faith-based organizations

Mel Franklin


  • Approved millions in funding for new construction and renovation of Accokeek Academy and funding for the renovation and expansion of Clinton Grove Elementary and Stephen Decatur Middle schools
  • Worked to prepare residents of all ages to compete in the 21st Century Economy in addition to confronting the challenges of college and career readiness facing our high school graduates
  • Proposed and obtained funding for a new athletic turf field for Gwynn Park High School
  • Proposed and established requirements that 24-hour convenience stores provide more security and less money in cash registers between 11PM and 6AM to reduce robberies
  • Obtained $4.1 million in funding for the construction of District VII Police Station, which shall serve much of District 9 and reduce response times
  • Obtained $6 million in funding for the construction of a new Brandywine Fire Station
  • Proposed and established a quicker, more reliable planning & development review process for mixed-use development within a ½ mile radius of a metro station, especially when a federal government tenant is involved
  • Approved a tax incentive for the expansion of Brandywine Crossing Shopping Center, including a new movie theater and restaurants
  • Established a new county bus service, Route 36 on the MD5/US301 corridor, for District 9 residents

Calvin Hawkins


  • A strong supporter of progressive initiatives for working families
  • Lead sponsor on the Re-entry Advisory Board tasked with realigning partnerships with County agencies, nonprofits, law enforcement and faith-based organizations

Mel Franklin


  • Approved millions in funding for new construction and renovation of Accokeek Academy and funding for the renovation and expansion of Clinton Grove Elementary and Stephen Decatur Middle schools
  • Worked to prepare residents of all ages to compete in the 21st Century Economy in addition to confronting the challenges of college and career readiness facing our high school graduates
  • Proposed and obtained funding for a new athletic turf field for Gwynn Park High School
  • Proposed and established requirements that 24-hour convenience stores provide more security and less money in cash registers between 11PM and 6AM to reduce robberies
  • Obtained $4.1 million in funding for the construction of District VII Police Station, which shall serve much of District 9 and reduce response times
  • Obtained $6 million in funding for the construction of a new Brandywine Fire Station
  • Proposed and established a quicker, more reliable planning & development review process for mixed-use development within a ½ mile radius of a metro station, especially when a federal government tenant is involved
  • Approved a tax incentive for the expansion of Brandywine Crossing Shopping Center, including a new movie theater and restaurants
  • Established a new county bus service, Route 36 on the MD5/US301 corridor, for District 9 residents

Candidates for Prince George's County Council District 1

Candidates for Prince George's County Council District 1

Tom Dernoga


  • Prioritize education funding to the classroom instead of administration
  • Advocates reducing the salary and other perks for county council members, including personal use of county vehicles and will not accept the use of a county vehicle
  • Property standards enforcement ebbs and flows, and lack of enforcement creates negative community impacts and will demand that county agencies protect the livability of our communities
  • Developing our Metro stations is long overdue and will ensure that developers pay their fair share of infrastructure costs, and that development is sustainable and environmentally responsible


Tom Dernoga


  • Prioritize education funding to the classroom instead of administration
  • Advocates reducing the salary and other perks for county council members, including personal use of county vehicles and will not accept the use of a county vehicle
  • Property standards enforcement ebbs and flows, and lack of enforcement creates negative community impacts and will demand that county agencies protect the livability of our communities
  • Developing our Metro stations is long overdue and will ensure that developers pay their fair share of infrastructure costs, and that development is sustainable and environmentally responsible


Candidates for Prince George's County Council District 2

Candidates for Prince George's County Council District 2

Wanika Fisher


  • Sponsored SB494 – Senate Bill 494 ends juvenile life sentences without parole; individuals who were convicted as adults for an offense committed as a minor can be considered for parole after being imprisoned for at least 20 years for the offense
  • Sponsored – SB178 – Provides the public with access to police disciplinary records. Additionally, the bill puts greater restrictions on how and when no-knock warrants can be served
  • Sponsored – HB670 – Overhauls the police disciplinary process to make Maryland the first state in the Nation to repeal the Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights fully. It replaces it with a civilian–driven, public-facing approach to police discipline
  • Sponsored – HB16 – Dignity Trust Act: Bans private immigration prisons in Maryland, stopping new detention center contracts and grandfathers its three existing detention centers
  • Sponsored – SB218 – The House passed SB218 to expand Maryland’s $1.5B relief package to eligible Marylanders with an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). Without SB218, nearly 86,000 immigrant taxpayers would be excluded from the RELIEF Act


Wanika Fisher


  • Sponsored SB494 – Senate Bill 494 ends juvenile life sentences without parole; individuals who were convicted as adults for an offense committed as a minor can be considered for parole after being imprisoned for at least 20 years for the offense
  • Sponsored – SB178 – Provides the public with access to police disciplinary records. Additionally, the bill puts greater restrictions on how and when no-knock warrants can be served
  • Sponsored – HB670 – Overhauls the police disciplinary process to make Maryland the first state in the Nation to repeal the Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights fully. It replaces it with a civilian–driven, public-facing approach to police discipline
  • Sponsored – HB16 – Dignity Trust Act: Bans private immigration prisons in Maryland, stopping new detention center contracts and grandfathers its three existing detention centers
  • Sponsored – SB218 – The House passed SB218 to expand Maryland’s $1.5B relief package to eligible Marylanders with an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). Without SB218, nearly 86,000 immigrant taxpayers would be excluded from the RELIEF Act


Candidates for Prince George's County Council District 3

Candidates for Prince George's County Council District 3

Eric C. Olsen


  • Proposed legislation to prevent elected officials from receiving cost of living increases unless employees do
  • Passed prohibitions on adult businesses adjacent to neighborhoods, restrictions on pawn shops, greater security at all-night businesses, and stronger nuisance abatement and code enforcement
  • For developers to pay for more paths and sidewalks
  • Rebuilding Baltimore Avenue into a safer boulevard for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists


Eric C. Olsen


  • Proposed legislation to prevent elected officials from receiving cost of living increases unless employees do
  • Passed prohibitions on adult businesses adjacent to neighborhoods, restrictions on pawn shops, greater security at all-night businesses, and stronger nuisance abatement and code enforcement
  • For developers to pay for more paths and sidewalks
  • Rebuilding Baltimore Avenue into a safer boulevard for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists


Candidates for Prince George's County Council District 4

Candidates for Prince George's County Council District 4

Ingrid S. Harrison


  • Work to ensure our infrastructure is commensurate with our current and future needs.
  • Support the business community by staying engaged and bridging the gap between business and government.
  • Work to expand growth opportunities by expanding our commercial tax base with businesses that make our community more viable and attractive.
  • Work to provide quality job training for middle and high school students
  • Support our local colleges and universities, Prince George’s Community College, Bowie State University, and the University of Maryland
  • Support our PGCPS CEO and the Board of Education on plans regarding the ongoing effects of the pandemic on student’s mental health, vaccine access, and education and disparities in academic achievement
  • Reduce the County’s carbon footprint and support the state’s goal to reach zero emissions by 2045
  • Support and take the lead on some of the efforts outlined in the County’s sustainability action plan to bring positive environmental impact, reduced energy consumption, job creation, and economic development


Ingrid S. Harrison


  • Work to ensure our infrastructure is commensurate with our current and future needs.
  • Support the business community by staying engaged and bridging the gap between business and government.
  • Work to expand growth opportunities by expanding our commercial tax base with businesses that make our community more viable and attractive.
  • Work to provide quality job training for middle and high school students
  • Support our local colleges and universities, Prince George’s Community College, Bowie State University, and the University of Maryland
  • Support our PGCPS CEO and the Board of Education on plans regarding the ongoing effects of the pandemic on student’s mental health, vaccine access, and education and disparities in academic achievement
  • Reduce the County’s carbon footprint and support the state’s goal to reach zero emissions by 2045
  • Support and take the lead on some of the efforts outlined in the County’s sustainability action plan to bring positive environmental impact, reduced energy consumption, job creation, and economic development


Candidates for Prince George's County Council District 5

Candidates for Prince George's County Council District 5

Jolen Ivey


  • Brought an additional $41 million in education funding to Prince George’s schools
  • Giving more of our kids access to high-quality preschool and other early learning programs
  • Expand the home visiting programs like Healthy Families Prince George’s, helping parents get the tools they need to help their kids succeed
  • Greater transparency in government will lead to improvement in services
  • While also working for stronger protections for domestic violence victims


Jolen Ivey


  • Brought an additional $41 million in education funding to Prince George’s schools
  • Giving more of our kids access to high-quality preschool and other early learning programs
  • Expand the home visiting programs like Healthy Families Prince George’s, helping parents get the tools they need to help their kids succeed
  • Greater transparency in government will lead to improvement in services
  • While also working for stronger protections for domestic violence victims


Candidates for Prince George's County Council District 6

Candidates for Prince George's County Council District 6

Wala Blegay


  • Coordinated and accessible healthcare services
  • Excited about transit-oriented development done right, and they provide options to residents without cars
  • Support Small Businesses: Critical in that formula is supporting the products and services of County business owners and County minority business owners by creating business incubator programs and cultivating an intentional pathway for them to do business


Wala Blegay


  • Coordinated and accessible healthcare services
  • Excited about transit-oriented development done right, and they provide options to residents without cars
  • Support Small Businesses: Critical in that formula is supporting the products and services of County business owners and County minority business owners by creating business incubator programs and cultivating an intentional pathway for them to do business


Candidates for Prince George's County Council District 7

Candidates for Prince George's County Council District 7

Click topics to see each candidates' initiatives.

Krystal Oriadha


  • Safeguard our communities from gentrification
  • Ensure development is done from a community-centered lens
  • Focus on rebuilding, revitalizing, and reinvesting in our local businessesa
  • Advocates for teachers and other school personnel to be properly compensated
  • Will support expanding or reevaluating our education budget so that our schools are better equipped
  • Seniors should have access to quality healthcare programs and facilities

Gary Falls


  • Weekend inmate releases for continual family reunions where no court-ordered restriction apply
  • Weekend inmate releases for attending religious services with their family
  • Weekend inmate releases for getting mental health counseling services
  • I will fight to eliminate the local tax on gasoline and get the cost of gasoline per gallon under $4
  • I will fight to cut local taxes on food products
  • I will fight to increase the budget for the health department to hire qualified health professionals to make inspections of the hospitals, nursing homes, and rehabilitation facilities to ensure they comply with health standards
  • I will fight to fund mental health services for school children that are [lesbien, bi-sexual, transgender, gay, or homosexual
  • I will fight for local laws that stop doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses, or midwives from killing unborn babies

Krystal Oriadha


  • Safeguard our communities from gentrification
  • Ensure development is done from a community-centered lens
  • Focus on rebuilding, revitalizing, and reinvesting in our local businessesa
  • Advocates for teachers and other school personnel to be properly compensated
  • Will support expanding or reevaluating our education budget so that our schools are better equipped
  • Seniors should have access to quality healthcare programs and facilities

Gary Falls


  • Weekend inmate releases for continual family reunions where no court-ordered restriction apply
  • Weekend inmate releases for attending religious services with their family
  • Weekend inmate releases for getting mental health counseling services
  • I will fight to eliminate the local tax on gasoline and get the cost of gasoline per gallon under $4
  • I will fight to cut local taxes on food products
  • I will fight to increase the budget for the health department to hire qualified health professionals to make inspections of the hospitals, nursing homes, and rehabilitation facilities to ensure they comply with health standards
  • I will fight to fund mental health services for school children that are [lesbien, bi-sexual, transgender, gay, or homosexual
  • I will fight for local laws that stop doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses, or midwives from killing unborn babies

Candidates for Prince George's County Council District 8

Candidates for Prince George's County Council District 8

Edward Burroughs III


  • Promote school infrastructure is modernized
  • Teachers are paid salaries competitive with surrounding counties
  • Promote innovative strategies so that students can succeed in the modern economy
  • Advocate for policies to attract quality employers to our community and require County contractors to prioritize local hiring and paying family-supporting wages
  • An advocate of open government and transparency as good public policy
  • Recently appointed Edward to his current position as Director of Legislative Affairs, where he plays a key role in the development of crime prevention policies to keep our communities safe


Edward Burroughs III


  • Promote school infrastructure is modernized
  • Teachers are paid salaries competitive with surrounding counties
  • Promote innovative strategies so that students can succeed in the modern economy
  • Advocate for policies to attract quality employers to our community and require County contractors to prioritize local hiring and paying family-supporting wages
  • An advocate of open government and transparency as good public policy
  • Recently appointed Edward to his current position as Director of Legislative Affairs, where he plays a key role in the development of crime prevention policies to keep our communities safe


Candidates for Prince George's County Council District 9

Candidates for Prince George's County Council District 9

Sydney Harrison



Sydney Harrison



2022 Prince George's Board of Education Election

2022 Prince George's Board of Education Election

A school board, often referred to as a Board of Education, is a corporate body that oversees and manages a public-school district's affairs, personnel, and properties. School board members are elected by the residents of the school district that the board oversees. Check out nonprofit GreatSchools' "What Makes A Great School Board Member" and learn more about successful school boards.

It is important to note we only reference what candidates cite from their own platforms and reputable publishers. Candidates typically do not run similar campaigns and races may seem lop-sided. The depth of a candidate's platform can serve as a good indicator of their qualifications for office.

An overview of the topics mentioned by each Board of Education candidate by district.

Here are some key points to note:

  • Faculty Development, which includes initiatives regarding teacher’s salaries, training, and recruitment, is a more prominent topic among the candidates collectively
  • Initiatives centered around inclusion and diversity are considerably high with District 3 and District 6 candidates
  • Infrastructure initiatives, which include rehab and new build projects for school campuses, have a higher focus with District 2 and District 3

Candidates for Prince George's Board of Education District 2

Candidates for Prince George's Board of Education District 2

Jenni Pompi


  • Will advocate for more specialty programs to prepare students and educate them about options
  • Will fight to make PGCPS the school system teachers want to work for by advocating for competitive pay and benefits
  • Will fight to make PGCPS the school system teachers want to work for real planning periods so they can leave their work at work
  • Will fight to make PGCPS the school system teachers want to work for by advocating for professional development opportunities
  • Will fight to upgrade current schools and keep school construction prioritized and on track in District 2

Jonathan Briggs


No profile means the candidate does not have a strong web presence at the time of publishing. We check for updates and provide updates to our guide throughout the election. Sign up for updates or a reminder here.

Jenni Pompi


  • Will advocate for more specialty programs to prepare students and educate them about options
  • Will fight to make PGCPS the school system teachers want to work for by advocating for competitive pay and benefits
  • Will fight to make PGCPS the school system teachers want to work for real planning periods so they can leave their work at work
  • Will fight to make PGCPS the school system teachers want to work for by advocating for professional development opportunities
  • Will fight to upgrade current schools and keep school construction prioritized and on track in District 2

Jonathan Briggs


No profile means the candidate does not have a strong web presence at the time of publishing. We check for updates and provide updates to our guide throughout the election. Sign up for updates or a reminder here.

Candidates for Prince George's Board of Education District 3

Candidates for Prince George's Board of Education District 3

Pamela Boozer-Strother


  • Helped raise more than $20,000 for arts integration programs at both Mount Rainier Elementary School and Thomas S. Stone Elementary School
  • Helped support art and education residencies, including steel drum instruction for Northwestern High School and a world percussion ensemble at Hyattsville Middle School
  • Involved in the opening of the Gateway Arts Center in Brentwood as well as the Prince George’s African American Museum and Cultural Center in North Brentwood
  • Will work to increase parent engagement, including translations services for parents who do not speak English
  • Increased funding for English Language Learners, Special Education, and neighborhood Community Schools through coordinated advocacy
  • Pass the school system’s first policy specifically protecting LGBTQIA+ students, staff, and families, Board Policy 0103 – Inclusive Environments for LGBTQIA+ People
  • Passed Board Policy 0101 – Educational Equity in 2019 that now guides all decision-making in PGCPS, and centers decision-making on recognizing each child’s unique experiences

Varinia V. Sandino


No profile means the candidate does not have a strong web presence at the time of publishing. We check for updates and provide updates to our guide throughout the election. Sign up for updates or a reminder here.

Pamela Boozer-Strother


  • Helped raise more than $20,000 for arts integration programs at both Mount Rainier Elementary School and Thomas S. Stone Elementary School
  • Helped support art and education residencies, including steel drum instruction for Northwestern High School and a world percussion ensemble at Hyattsville Middle School
  • Involved in the opening of the Gateway Arts Center in Brentwood as well as the Prince George’s African American Museum and Cultural Center in North Brentwood
  • Will work to increase parent engagement, including translations services for parents who do not speak English
  • Increased funding for English Language Learners, Special Education, and neighborhood Community Schools through coordinated advocacy
  • Pass the school system’s first policy specifically protecting LGBTQIA+ students, staff, and families, Board Policy 0103 – Inclusive Environments for LGBTQIA+ People
  • Passed Board Policy 0101 – Educational Equity in 2019 that now guides all decision-making in PGCPS, and centers decision-making on recognizing each child’s unique experiences

Varinia V. Sandino


  • Weekend inmate releases for continual family reunions where no court-ordered restriction apply
  • Weekend inmate releases for attending religious services with their family
  • Weekend inmate releases for getting mental health counseling services

Candidates for Prince George's Board of Education District 6

Candidates for Prince George's Board of Education District 6

Branndon D. Jackson


  • The educational process is a team dynamic, requiring teachers and parents to share the responsibility for student achievement – I am committed to finding resources to develop this vital partnership further
  • Will work with nonprofits and other organizations to assist with mitigating the digital and technology skills gap
  • Build partnerships and expand our resources that can make free or reduced lunch accessible for all students
  • Work with legislators to evaluate intelligent cities and connected communities’ strategies. There are billions of dollars in federal grants and assistance programs to upgrade outdated infrastructure and give communities access to broadband service
  • Find ways to incentivize tax breaks to businesses that allow parents to attend children’s school activities with paid leave
  • Hold more cultural competency training for teachers, staff, vendors, and contractors who work with PGCPS. Our county has students from different economic backgrounds, religious belief systems, and ethnicities and is home to the highest number of ESL students
  • Recruit teachers who represent the student population’s diversity (not limited to race but also socioeconomic and first-generation graduates

Ashley Kerney


  • Improve data displays and ready/reliable communications across language and technology barriers, as well as strengthen communication structures between collaborative partners and families to aid in supporting timely, relevant, and effective multi-way communication
  • Strengthen consistent and transparent family and community engagement in partnership with community associations and other partners through streamlined training on best practices and innovative and responsive approaches
  • Increase the number of certified and highly qualified instructional and non-instructional educators in low-performing schools, providing additional support with licensure and training. Includes increase AP-certified educators
  • Support increase in licensed teacher salaries at a level commensurate with experience respects the dignity of the profession and aids in recruitment and retention
  • Increase the number of District 6 teachers who earn NBCT, PAEMST, and other reputable distinctions
  • Believes in moving beyond the perception of school safety and truly ensuring implementation of inclusive, anti-racist, system-wide, and comprehensive safety plans
  • Analyze policies and practices through an equity lens to remove barriers to learning and development using knowledge from research and practice

Branndon D. Jackson


  • The educational process is a team dynamic, requiring teachers and parents to share the responsibility for student achievement – I am committed to finding resources to develop this vital partnership further
  • Will work with nonprofits and other organizations to assist with mitigating the digital and technology skills gap
  • Build partnerships and expand our resources that can make free or reduced lunch accessible for all students
  • This training will help education professionals better understand the nuances of dealing with children from various backgrounds. Offer more wrap-around services to support PGCPS students before, during, and after school
  • Work to further enhance the talent pipeline between PGCPS and local universities – develop an exchange of students and teachers “to and from” local schools and local universities
  • Address capacity issues by finding more resources for teachers like TAs (Teachers Assistants) and better technology
  • Hold more cultural competency training for teachers, staff, vendors, and contractors who work with PGCPS. Our county has students from different economic backgrounds, religious belief systems, and ethnicities and is home to the highest number of ESL students
  • Recruit teachers who represent the student population’s diversity (not limited to race but also socioeconomic and first-generation graduates

Ashley Kerney


  • Improve data displays and ready/reliable communications across language and technology barriers, as well as strengthen communication structures between collaborative partners and families to aid in supporting timely, relevant, and effective multi-way communication
  • Strengthen consistent and transparent family and community engagement in partnership with community associations and other partners through streamlined training on best practices and innovative and responsive approaches
  • Increase the number of certified and highly qualified instructional and non-instructional educators in low-performing schools, providing additional support with licensure and training. Includes increase AP-certified educators
  • Support increase in licensed teacher salaries at a level commensurate with experience respects the dignity of the profession and aids in recruitment and retention
  • Increase the number of District 6 teachers who earn NBCT, PAEMST, and other reputable distinctions
  • Believes in moving beyond the perception of school safety and truly ensuring implementation of inclusive, anti-racist, system-wide, and comprehensive safety plans
  • Analyze policies and practices through an equity lens to remove barriers to learning and development using knowledge from research and practice

Candidates for Prince George's Board of Education District 9

Candidates for Prince George's Board of Education District 9

Kent Roberson


  • Will propose legislation that will mandate that at least 40% of Prince George’s County School Board and Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission contracts are awarded to minority-owned businesses
  • Will legislate to ensure that all casino money that is sent to the Education Trust Fund will be used in addition to the Governor’s proposed budgetary funds
  • A proponent of investing in our infrastructure. Until we start to invest in our roads, bridges, and mass transportation, we will continue to lose business to cities that are easily accessible
  • Fight for continued investment and expansion of the 495 beltway, Route 5, and Route 210, which would allow for a quicker commute to and from work
  • Fight for expansion of the Metro rail system to extend from the Branch Avenue corridor to Charles County

Lolita E. Walker


  • Create linkages with parents, teachers, staff, students, administration, and community

Kent Roberson


  • Will propose legislation that will mandate that at least 40% of Prince George’s County School Board and Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission contracts are awarded to minority-owned businesses
  • Will legislate to ensure that all casino money that is sent to the Education Trust Fund will be used in addition to the Governor’s proposed budgetary funds
  • A proponent of investing in our infrastructure. Until we start to invest in our roads, bridges, and mass transportation, we will continue to lose business to cities that are easily accessible
  • Fight for continued investment and expansion of the 495 beltway, Route 5, and Route 210, which would allow for a quicker commute to and from work
  • Fight for expansion of the Metro rail system to extend from the Branch Avenue corridor to Charles County

Lolita E. Walker


  • Create linkages with parents, teachers, staff, students, administration, and community

2022 Prince George's Board of Education Candidacy by Topic

2022 PGCPS Board of Education by Topic

Candidates sometimes campaign on initiatives that may not be relevant for the office they are running for. kBoulevard provides a more in-depth look at each candidates' platform, categorizing initiatives, giving you the opportunity to pick the candidates that share your values.

It is important to note we only reference what candidates cite from their own platforms and reputable publishers. Candidates typically do not run similar campaigns and races may seem lop-sided. The depth of a candidate's platform can serve as a good indicator of their qualifications for office.

Candidates on PG County Community Engagement

Initiatives centered on Equitable community engagement—an ongoing, two-way process of building relationships, working collaboratively to support all students, and sharing power.

Click each candidate's name to see their position on the issue.
  • Transparent and timely communication from PGCPS to parents, staff, and the broader community, with multi-language alerts and increased use of user-friendly apps
  • Collaborated with CEO Dr. Goldson on the firearms safety letter sent to every PGCPS parent in August 2022 as part of the Back-to-School packets
  • Supports families daily with individualized advocacy and helps navigate the school system
  • The educational process is a team dynamic, requiring teachers and parents to share the responsibility for student achievement – I am committed to finding resources to develop this vital partnership further
  • Will work with nonprofits and other organizations to assist with mitigating the digital and technology skills gap
  • Build partnerships and expand our resources that can make free or reduced lunch accessible for all students
  • Improve data displays and ready/reliable communications across language and technology barriers, as well as strengthen communication structures between collaborative partners and families to aid in supporting timely, relevant, and effective multi-way communication
  • Strengthen consistent and transparent family and community engagement in partnership with community associations and other partners through streamlined training on best practices and innovative and responsive approaches

Candidates on PG County Curriculum

The curriculum is the central guide for all educators as to what is essential for teaching and learning so that every student can access rigorous academic experiences. 

Click each candidate's name to see their position on the issue.

Will advocate for increased guidance starting in middle school to help students find their paths

  • Will fight to give educators the resources they need to do their jobs during the sudden shifts from virtual and in-person learning and into a future where children will need more help to achieve grade level status after years of disruption
  • Individualized guidance as they move from 9th grade to graduation day
  • Lobbying for Blueprint for Maryland’s Future/Kirwan Commission
  • Experiential opportunities for all students: Prince George’s County and its surrounding areas are rich with opportunities for pre-K-12 students – develop partnerships to give our students world-class experiences and hands-on learning
  • Ensure every District 6 school becomes or is on the path to becoming a Common Sense School committed to teaching responsible, effective technology
  • Worked with partners to ensure student shadowing opportunities in STEM fields and believes that educators must also have real-world experiences
  • Increase opportunities for dual enrollment for all high school students

Candidates PG County Finances Extracurricular Activities

Also known as extra-academic activities, extracurricular activities include sports, student government, community service, arts, hobbies, and clubs. Extracurricular activities all complement an academic curriculum.

Click each candidate's name to see their position on the issue.
  • Will advocate for more specialty programs to prepare students and educate them about options
  • Will fight to give educators the resources they need to do their jobs during the sudden shifts from virtual and in-person learning and into a future where children will need more help to achieve grade level status after years of disruption
  • Individualized guidance as they move from 9th grade to graduation day
  • Lobbying for Blueprint for Maryland’s Future/Kirwan Commission
  • Experiential opportunities for all students: Prince George’s County and its surrounding areas are rich with opportunities for pre-K-12 students – develop partnerships to give our students world-class experiences and hands-on learning

Candidates on PG County Faculty Development

Topics focused on faculty development include teacher salaries, student-to-teacher pipeline, and more. Candidates here are considered passionate about talent acquisition and retention for PGCPS.

Click each candidate's name to see their position on the issue.
  • Will fight to make PGCPS the school system teachers want to work for real planning periods so they can leave their work at work
  • Will fight to make PGCPS the school system teachers want to work for by advocating for professional development opportunities
  • Will fight to make PGCPS the school system teachers want to work for by advocating for competitive pay and benefits
  • Teachers should be paid fairly and given the opportunity for professional development
  • Work to further enhance the talent pipeline between PGCPS and local universities – develop an exchange of students and teachers “to and from” local schools and local universities
  • Address capacity issues by finding more resources for teachers like TAs (Teachers Assistants) and better technology
  • Work to help develop a more competitive compensation package
  • Increase the number of certified and highly qualified instructional and non-instructional educators in low-performing schools, providing additional support with licensure and training. Includes increase AP-certified educators
  • Support increase in licensed teacher salaries at a level commensurate with experience respects the dignity of the profession and aids in recruitment and retention
  • Increase the number of District 6 teachers who earn NBCT, PAEMST, and other reputable distinctions

Candidates on PG County Finance

Initiatives centered on finance maximize available resources for PGCPS and academic programs. Candidates here may have ideas on how to source capital or how funding should be distributed.

Click each candidate's name to see their position on the issue.
  • Work with legislators to evaluate intelligent cities and connected communities’ strategies. There are billions of dollars in federal grants and assistance programs to upgrade outdated infrastructure and give communities access to broadband service
  • Find ways to incentivize tax breaks to businesses that allow parents to attend children’s school activities with paid leave
  • Advocate for adequate funding for school facilities
  • Will propose legislation that will mandate that at least 40% of Prince George’s County School Board and Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission contracts are awarded to minority-owned businesses
  • Will legislate to ensure that all casino money that is sent to the Education Trust Fund will be used in addition to the Governor’s proposed budgetary funds

Candidates on PG County Foreign Services

Foreign services are designed to help English language learners become proficient in English skills. These include reading comprehension, writing, listening, and speaking skills. 

Click each candidate's name to see their position on the issue.
  • Will work to increase parent engagement, including translations services for parents who do not speak English
  • Provide opportunities for multilingual educator certifications to support the growing population and needs of the global economy

Candidates on PG County Health and Human Service

Health and Human Services include initiatives that allocate resources to help safely reopen and sustain the safe operation of schools, including the impacts of COVID-19 on the County’s students.

Click each candidate's name to see their position on the issue.
  • Expanded mental health services through budget and policy priority shifts have led to more than 100 schools with mental health practitioners
  • instituted a new policy in 2020 that mental health days now be approved as lawful absences
  • Will continue to advocate for increasing vaccination rates in each school building
  • Recruit more mental health professionals to help assess and care for our students, administrators, and teachers – for greater access to school healthcare professionals and reliable parental resources
  • Strengthen multi-tiered systems of integrated supports to proactively address students’ academic, physical, social, emotional, and identity needs and informs comprehensive student-centered safety plans
  • Prioritize community support services that address the needs of both students and parents, address mental health, and emphasize targeted academic support with evidence-based approaches
  • Initiated and facilitated a parent-led Re-Opening Taskforce to address concerns regarding COVID-19 but believes that schools are responsible for daily safe reopening regarding all issues

Candidates on PG County Infrastructure

Initiatives highlighted here center on school renovations, repairs, and new build initiatives. Candidates here are passionate about addressing school infrastructure and transportation problems.

Click each candidate's name to see their position on the issue.
  • Will fight to upgrade current schools and keep school construction prioritized and on track in District 2
  • Aided the school construction funding for the replacement of the oldest schools in the District, including the new Hyattsville Middle School (Fall 2023)
  • Will continue to advocate for academic support and operational changes needed for improved air quality in buildings and school buses
  • Fight to upgrade current school buildings and construct new buildings to accommodate District 3’s growing population
  • Support increase in the number of community schools to provide equitable access to integrated support and services
  • Support building upon the robust technology infrastructure for learning inside and outside of school
  • A proponent of investing in our infrastructure. Until we start to invest in our roads, bridges, and mass transportation, we will continue to lose business to cities that are easily accessible
  • fight for continued investment and expansion of the 495 beltway, Route 5, and Route 210, which would allow for a quicker commute to and from work
  • Fight for expansion of the Metro rail system to extend from the Branch Avenue corridor to Charles County

Candidates on PG County Inclusion and Divsersity

Initiatives highlighted here center on policies regarding people with disabilities, addressing racial injustices, and LGBTQIA+ People. Candidates here have a passion for social advocacy.

Click each candidate's name to see their position on the issue.
  • Passed Board Policy 0101 – Educational Equity in 2019 that now guides all decision-making in PGCPS, and centers decision-making on recognizing each child’s unique experiences
  • Pass the school system’s first policy specifically protecting LGBTQIA+ students, staff, and families, Board Policy 0103 – Inclusive Environments for LGBTQIA+ People
  • Proponent for matching the goals of the Board of Education Equity Task Force with a financial commitment
  • Hold more cultural competency training for teachers, staff, vendors, and contractors who work with PGCPS. Our county has students from different economic backgrounds, religious belief systems, and ethnicities and is home to the highest number of ESL students
  • Recruit teachers who represent the student population’s diversity (not limited to race but also socioeconomic and first-generation graduates
  • Provide opportunities for multilingual educator certifications to support the growing population and needs of the global economy
  • Believes in moving beyond the perception of school safety and truly ensuring implementation of inclusive, anti-racist, system-wide, and comprehensive safety plans
  • Analyze policies and practices through an equity lens to remove barriers to learning and development using knowledge from research and practice

Prince George's County Agenda FY2022-2027

Prince George's County Agenda FY2022-2027

Townhalls, community meetings, and government newsletters are a great way to keep abreast of your local government affairs and priorities. We know sometimes it’s hard to make those evening and weekend meetups, but you still want to participate in your town election.

kBoulevard provides a more in-depth look at Prince George’s strategic planning and budget appropriations, giving you the insight you need to catch up with your community leaders and the town’s future plans. City agendas are the best way to determine if the current administration understands their constituents’ needs.

Townhalls, community meetings, and government newsletters are a great way to keep abreast of your local government affairs and priorities. We know sometimes it’s hard to make those evening and weekend meetups, but you still want to participate in your town election.

City agendas are the best way to determine if the current administration understands their constituents’ needs.

Click Tabs to See County Agendas
A breakdown of the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). In brief, we highlight how the county receives and spends funding for programs.

Here are some key points to note:

  • These projects include funding for the continuation of previous plans as well as forecasting til 2028 (FY-2023-2028)
  • Prince George’s County receives significantly more funding from the State compared to its adjunct neighbors, Montgomery and Howard County – with a significant increase in 2020
  • When you exclude Coutywide and multi-county projects, Districts: 9 and District 1 are receiving a bulk of the projects; however, District 7 was allocated significantly more than the other districts
  • Education and Health projects make up 40% of all projects costs

Prince George's County Profile

Prince George's County Profile

Here we provide a sample of regional statistics that correlate directly with offices up for election.

PG County Pop. 2020

PG County Employed Pop.

Average Gross Rent

5.5% increase in property value

1.3% increase in poverty rate

2.4% increase
in median household income

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Frequently Asked Questions

Our guides primarily cover municipalities in the DMV area. This includes: Washington D.C., Montgomery County, Prince George’s County, Arlington County, Fairfax County, Alexandria City, and Fairfax City.

We have covered elections at request, such as the 2020 Congressional District 7 Special Primary Election for the Baltimore City area.

Primarily, each region’s respective board of elections and each candidate’s website. Additional sources may come from social media profiles, town-halls, and other reputable publishers. We also cite our sources at the bottom of each guide.

Guides are typically published 30 days from the election date. We have produced last-minute guides at request. We compile vast amounts of information on many candidates and races in the region, we do not publish every guide.

We cover all reputable political party candidates for down-ballot elections. Guides are crafted by individuals with a wide range of political ideologies. Some races may seem more lopsided with information; however, not all candidates run thorough campaigns. We can only publish what we can find or are given.

Yes, there are plans in the works to expand to the entire tri-area within the next election. We do produce guides at request. If you are interested in having a guide published for your community, contact us here.

We are always looking for highly-talented individuals who are passionate about policy research and civic engagement. You can contact us here for opportunities.

Mistakes happen, and information changes. If you wish to recommend a revision, there’s an option to contact us and recommend an edit at the bottom of each guide, or you can contact us here for corrections/revisions.

We have chosen to not run ads on our guides to keep uniformity and unbiasedness. We currently receive donations and have a team of skilled individuals who perform this work for a small stipend. We appreciate any funding we receive.


Below are the primary sources for kBoulevard’s candidate guide for the 2022 Prince George’s County General Election.