2020 Maryland District 6 Democrat Primary Election for Congress Voters Guide

June 2, 2020

Candidates (Results)

Candidates by Issues

2020 District 6 Democrat Primary Election for Congress

We will update our voting guide periodically as candidates make their platforms available.

Maryland Democrat Candidates Guide 6th Congressional District includes campaign emails, social media, and websites of each Maryland District 6 Democrat Primary Congressional Candidate.

Should voters need additional information about their preferred candidate’s profile. An active social media is a good representation of how connected the candidate would be if elected. Vote in Maryland’s Democrat Primary election with ease with kBoulevard’s voting guide for the 2020 Democrat Primary Congressional District 6 Election.

The primary election for the Maryland District 6 Democrat Primary Congressional candidates was on Tuesday, June 2, 2020.  Top issues for this election include accountability, economic development, and education. Check out kBoulevard’s Maryland Congressional Democrat Candidates for the 6th district candidates’ guide.

Learn more about the Maryland District 6 Democrat Primary Election, visit Maryland Board of Elections.

What does a U.S. Representative do?

Also referred to as a congressman or congresswoman, each representative is elected to a two-year term serving the people of a specific congressional district. Among other duties, representatives introduce bills and resolutions, offer amendments and serve on committees. Check out the lawmakers.org “How Effective is your Legislator” to learn more about your legislator.

2020 District 6 Democrat Primary Election for Congress

(Click candidate’s name for website)

  • Endorsed by Protect Marriage Maryland

David J. Trone

  • Experience: U.S. Representative for Maryland CD6
  • Serves as a Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee
  • Serves as a Member of the Education and Labor Committee
  • B.A. in Engineering from Furman University

For the official 2020 Primary Election results for Montgomery County, check out Maryland Board of Elections.

Maryland’s Democrat Primary Election – Congressional District 6 – is up for election. This candidates’ guide compiles vital sections of each Democrat candidates’ platform, initiative, and social media profiles as well as any pertinent public information. We hope you find our Democrat candidate guide 6th congressional district insightful.

kBoulevard’s candidate guides develop profiles of each candidate for U.S. Representative for Maryland District 6 and their policies, which are categorized by hot issues such as accountability, economic development, foreign policy, and more. This guide offers a summary of critical differences between each candidate on issues that matter most.

Democrat Candidates for Congressional District 6 by Topic

Democrats for Congressional District 6 on Consumers' Rights

  • Opposes the attempted gutting of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (GFPB)

  • A proponent of laws that require corporations that operate within the U.S. accountable for their actions

  • Supports the reauthorization and strengthening net neutrality

Democrats for Congressional District 6 on Economic Development

  • Supports universal basic income for all Americans

  • Supports investments to help revitalize these communities that have been harmed by the transition of renewable energy

  • Advocates having essential banking services at post offices

  • Advocates for tax breaks toward small businesses

Democrats for Congressional District 6 on Education

  • Proposes legislation to provide federal funding for trained observers, to observe the teaching take place, examine school practices from admin to teachers
  • Supports providing free in-state bachelor’s degree education to students  who come from economically disadvantaged families
  • Supports reducing the amount of standardized testing in schools, returning autonomy to school staff and teachers
  • Opposes attempts to privatize the education system and vouchers not being a viable solution to the achievement gap

  • Proponent to protecting and expanding the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSFL) program

  • Supports increases in Title I federal funding for schools that serve low-income students

Democrats for Congressional District 6 on Environment

  • Supports giving economic benefits to businesses that commit to using and developing renewable energy sources and divesting from climate-damaging fossil fuels

  • Advocates for the U.S. becoming a global leader for cutting carbon emissions and finding renewable energy

  • Supports rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement

  • Advocates for providing grants to make green tech affordable and accessible
  • Oppose efforts to undermine the EPA’s plans to clean up the Chesapeake
  • A proponent of H.R. 2406, wildlife protections

Democrats for Congressional District 6 on Gay Rights

  • A proponent of the Full Equality Act, ensuring LGBT individuals are protected against discrimination at work, school, and in their community nationwide

  • Advocates protecting and securing LGBT+ rights

Democrats for Congressional District 6 on Gun Control

  • Supports expanding background checks that keep guns out of the hands of violent, history of domestic abuse, or mentally ill people

  • Advocates legislation to close the Charleston loophole

  • Supports closing gun-show and internet loopholes

  • Supports legislation that keeps dangerous weapons out of the hands of violent criminals, ensuring law-abiding citizens do not have their rights infringed

  • Supports increasing buy-back programs

  • Supports the Second Amendment

Democrats for Congressional District 6 on Health and Human Services

  • Supports a single-payer Medicare-for-all
  • Supports fully enforcing the Mental Health Parity Act (MHPA), requiring insurance companies to cover mental health and substance abuse treatments

  • Formed the Bipartisan Freshman Working Group on Addiction, drafting numerous pieces of legislation aimed at responding to the opioid crisis

  • Supports the creation of a public healthcare option and allowing people to buy into Medicare at age 55

Democrats for Congressional District 6 on Immigration

  • Opposes the executive order which makes it harder for immigrants to receive H-1B visas

  • Supports giving all immigrants, regardless of legal status, the same legal rights and protections given to all American citizens

  • Advocates to streamline and simplify the naturalization process for immigrants

  • Proposes providing more resources for English education and job training

Democrats for Congressional District 6 on Taxes

  • Supports a new wealth tax on the wealthiest Americans

  • Supports removing the carried interest loophole that allows hedge fund managers to pay lower tax rates on their profits

  • Supports the Buffet Rule, people making over $1 million a year should pay no less than 30 percent in taxes

  • Advocates dedicating a portion of federal capital gains taxes to social security

Democrats for Congressional District 6 on Womens' Rights

  • Advocates and defend a woman’s right to choose what is best

  • Advocates equal pay for equal work

  • Supports the Women’s Health Protection Act, put health decisions back into the hands of women and their doctors

  • Supports repealing the Hyde Amendment, barring the use of federal funds for abortion services

  • Opposes any legislation to defund Planned Parenthood

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