2020 Maryland District 3 Republican Primary Election for Congress Voters Guide

June 2, 2020

Candidates (Results)

Candidates by Issues

2020 District 3 Republican Primary Election for Congress

We will update our voting guide periodically as candidates make their platforms available.

Maryland Republican Candidates Guide 3rd Congressional District includes campaign emails, social media, and websites of each Maryland District 3 Republican Primary Candidate.

Should voters need additional information about their preferred candidate’s profile. An active social media is a good representation of how connected the candidate would be if elected. Vote in Maryland’s Republican Primary election with ease with kBoulevard’s voting guide for the 2020 Republican Primary Congressional District 3 Election.

The primary election for the Maryland District 3 Republican Primary Congressional candidates was on Tuesday, June 2, 2020.  Top issues for this election include accountability, economic development, and education. Check out kBoulevard’s Maryland Congressional Republican Candidates for the 3rd district candidates’ guide.

Learn more about the Maryland District 3 Republican Primary Election, visit Maryland Board of Elections.

What does a U.S. Representative do?

Also referred to as a congressman or congresswoman, each representative is elected to a two-year term serving the people of a specific congressional district. Among other duties, representatives introduce bills and resolutions, offer amendments and serve on committees. Check out the lawmakers.org “How Effective is your Legislator” to learn more about your legislator.

Republican Candidates for Congressional District 3

(Click candidate’s name for website)

No social media available.

Charles Anthony

  • Experience: Assistant Administrator for the Department of Surgery from Walter Reed Army Medical Center (Ret.)
  • Veteran: Served as a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army Medical Service Corps
  • Education: B.A. in Social Studies and History from Marshall University

No social media available.

Thomas E. Harris

No profile available

  • Experience: Appointed as the Executive Director of the Govanstown Business Association 
  • Experience: Contributor of the grassroot organization Baltimoreans United In Leadership Development (BUILD)
  • Profession: Founder of R&E Green-Janitorial Cleaning Service

No social media available.

Joshua M. Morales

No profile available

No profile available

For the official 2020 Primary Election results for Montgomery County, check out Maryland Board of Elections.

Maryland’s Republican Primary Election – Congressional District 3 – is up for election. This candidates’ guide compiles vital sections of each Republican candidates’ platform, initiative, and social media profiles as well as any pertinent public information. We hope you find our republican candidate guide 3rd congressional district insightful.

kBoulevard’s candidate guides develop profiles of each candidate for U.S. Representative for Maryland District 3 and their policies, which are categorized by hot issues such as accountability, economic development, foreign policy, and more. This guide offers a summary of critical differences between each candidate on issues that matter most.

Republican Candidates for Congressional District 3 by Topic

Republicans for Congressional District 3 on Economic Development

  • Create additional loan funds for small businesses, local farmers, and restaurant owners that need additional financial assistance and relief
  • Developed a COVID-19 Economic Recovery Plan, involving the creation of local manufacturing jobs to promote regional and international trade
  • Encourage and promote the distinctive offerings of our region to the world via tourism and cultural exchanges, actively promote

Republicans for Congressional District 3 on Education

  • Supports a practical debt amnesty or amortization plan for sweat equity for debt swap wherein student loan in within a 5 to 7-year period
  • Cites that Maryland state university system must allocate resources amongst its campuses
  • Supported the Thornton Bill, promoting equitable funding for public education
  • Allow student loans to be discharged in a normal bankruptcy process with the goal of abolishing government-backed student loans
  • Increase government investments in STEM and Medical Research and Education

Republicans for Congressional District 3 on Environment

  • Encourage ecologically responsible development and education

Republicans for Congressional District 3 on Foreign Policy

  • Proposes having an integrated approach to conducting foreign relations to build ties and maintain America’s security and vital international trade
  • America’s foreign policy should be compassionate non-interventionist that emphasizes on soft power and mutually beneficial trade
  • Lobby the diplomatic community, international businesses, and corporations to locate in the 3rd Congressional District
  • Advocates protecting families from radical social policies that have been ratified without public debate and inclusive hearings
  • Protect the rights of divorced or separated fathers
  • Advocates for the rights of vulnerable children

Republicans for Congressional District 3 on Government Accountability

  • Provide a bully pulpit for constituents seeking Title 3 funds, Dept. of Defense procurement, and aid entities that seek funds, contracts, and grants from the Dept. of Commerce, Health and Human Services, and others
  • Lobby for congressional and federal partnerships with local leaders to combat fraud, waste, abuse, undue taxation, and regulation
  • Introduce legislation that would impose term limits on Congress and the Judiciary
  • Proposes giving the President the power of the line-item veto

Republicans for Congressional District 3 on Gun Rights

  • Preserve the right to purchase and own firearms

Republicans for Congressional District 3 on Health and Human Services

  • Advocates protecting families from radical social policies that have been ratified without public debate and inclusive hearings
  • Protect the rights of divorced or separated fathers
  • Advocates for the rights of vulnerable children
  • Repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), as known as Obamacare, and replace with market based reforms
  • End the drug war and focus on treatment instead of punishment

Republicans for Congressional District 3 on Immigration

  • Supports those who were brought here illegally as infants or young children should have the opportunity to become citizens by agreeing to serve in the military or other national interest
  • Push for immigration reform with the goal of a streamlined, fair immigration process
  • Enforce immigration laws and punish those who aid and abet illegal immigration

Republicans for Congressional District 3 on Taxes

  • Work to reduce both corporate and individual taxes

  • Reform corporate taxes to induce corporations to be good stewards of the environment and the well-being of their employees
  • Keep taxes low and aim for a gradual phase-in of a flat tax

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